Dweller of philos.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Le Scriba

Accounting is an ancient trade. In the time of Pharaohs, sculptures were only reserved for the Pharaohs and major civil and religious figures. Ancient Egypt is built on the question of eternity. The building of monuments spanned decades to assure the immortality of the present ruler. "Human Gods" took their gold and their servants with them in the journey to the afterlife. And all the sudden, the scribe is made eternal in color sculptures in noble poses.

The Scribe kept the records on the building of pyramids and temples. They supervised the construction of monuments. It was a trade passed from father to son for generations. They were so revered that at times, they were exempt from taxes. The eternal quest for immortality starts to wane, and a trade starts to assume its righteous place among the immortals not because of its need for eternity but for its importance to make this life, eternal.


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