Dweller of philos.

Saturday, March 9, 2013


And then it happened. From the quarry of my conscience came that coursing voice that grinds my reason to dust and calls me out as a great pretender – “You will never make way for the new, the deviant, the subversive until you are willing to destroy the very things you have spent your career creating.” Surely I wasn’t talking about myself. Didn’t these deans invite me to speak to them because of my history of breakthrough accomplishments? And there it was right in front of me. The hypocrisy of innovators – the perennial outsiders – who inevitably become insiders once they succeed. It took decades of arduous and highly competitive work to climb to the top of my profession. How could I expect these deans to kick the ladder out from under them when I the so called Dean of Innovation wasn’t willing to do the same myself? This was the real price of innovation. It was a flashback to my youth as a Teamster on the loading docks where such a challenge meant throw down or stand down. I chose the latter and disappeared into the elevator.

Jeff DeGraff




Sunday, February 10, 2013

The Third

Richard the Third is found, and he was found as we had seen him. Now one has to wonder how real are the ones that we have also seen but haven't been found.

Was it still such a common knowledge one hundred years later for the Britest Pen to copy, Or was it a bold move to portrait what hadn't been said. 

The most despised was also the last king who fought from his own horse. The winter of our discontent and the sons of York remained. He was one of the roses who, it seems, wished he was red.

Monday, February 4, 2013


Now, that is a cake.


Due Credits:
Made by Butterend Cakery
